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Productive Things She Did During Quarantine – NataliYura (НаталиЮра )

An International POP star – HollywoodactressNataliYura [# голливудскаяактрисаНаталиЮра ]   an actress and singer that is known for many of her roles in Hollywood, shares how she stayed productive during quarantine and how self-improvement help her develop the skills for her personal and professional life. Get to know the ideas that will help you too get happy and satisfying life. It’s completely normal to feel anxious about what’s happening in these abnormal times. We can’t control everything that happens, but we can change our experience of those things. With effective tool for relaxation and calm you down .i.e. Meditation and Yoga Benefits of Meditation -           -  Helps improve your mental Health and Stay Fit -           -  Increase your immunity -           -  Relieves stress and anxiety -           -  Control your anger and depression - ...

Hollywood actress - Натали Юра

Natalie Yura Vladivostok

 (04.04.1991). She was born and graduated from school in Vladivostok. At the age of 17, she entered Sage College in Albany, New York. After enrolling in Sage College, she met legendary producer Marty Bregman (Scarface, Carlito's Way). Marty Bregman introduced Natalie to Anna Strasbourg, who was interviewed by Natalie and received a scholarship to study at the Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute. Natalie continued her education at two colleges simultaneously.

About acting career

“I didn't have a moment when I decided:“ I’m all starting to act. ” I always really liked to perform, I felt happy, but I did not decide that I would conquer Hollywood. It was a dream that has always been with me. When you sincerely want something, you do not think about whether it is real or not, whether I can or cannot, how many more people want it. When you want something, it becomes real.

I am always very nervous before shooting, but when the process begins, everything changes on the set - you are already in a different reality. And in front of me is not Dolph Lundgren, but the character of the film "Misfire", with whom I am connected by history and emotions. From filming with Bruce Willis I blissed out, he is a very cool and strong actor. I just caught his every movement and gesture in order to learn at least something from him. In general, I have a big role in "Massacre". This is probably my first serious project. There were such shootings, which I imagined in my childhood: 200 people on the set, each busy with his own business. But I will not tell anything superfluous, otherwise you will not be interested in watching the film. LaughsI also did a Netflix comedy with Vanessa Hudgens that will be out at the end of the year. By the way, during filming, I constantly listen to music in my trailer - it helps me immerse myself in the right state. My all-time favorite song is Eminem's Lose Yourself. It seems to me that I can move mountains under it.

About Hollywood actors 

“They all look awesome. When you hit the red carpet, you understand why they are where they are. I think that no one fully discloses their beauty secrets, but this is definitely a wild work on oneself, a tough regime and discipline. Nothing is impossible without working on yourself. "

What was your first casting?

I remember him very well. I was sent to audition by my acting teacher Gary Swanson from the Lee Strasberg Institute of Theater and Film - by the way, I still study with him. There was a long line, I was standing behind a man of about 50. He was holding the text in his hands, he was repeating it all the time and was shaking with fear. It was at that moment that I realized how addicted this profession is, and realized that I didn't want to. As a result of this casting, I was approved - I starred in the film Witch Hunter with Randy Couture.

Натали Юра
